Hot Weather Riding Safety
Summer weather means the motorcycles come out from their garages and coverings to greet the pavement, but it also means riding in summer heat. Here in Southern Colorado, that heat can be pretty extreme at times. When it gets really hot-hotter than your body temperature-riding can start to get dangerous. Heat exhaustion and dehydration can take a toll, and before you know it, you might find yourself in trouble. If you know a few tips, though, you can prevent these problems from happening. Below, we've collected some of our favorite tips for riding in extreme heat. In addition to keeping your body safe from heat, you should also make sure your bike is in top riding shape. The service center at Durango Harley-Davidson® works on Harley® motorcycles such as the Sportster® and Softail®. We're located in Durango, Colorado, and we proudly serve customers in Alamosa and Farmington, Colorado, as well Aztec, New Mexico.
Most people's idea of warm weather clothing is shorts and a t-shirt or tank top, but when it's really hot, that's not a smart choice. As odd as it sounds, you're better off wearing insulating clothing when it's truly hot out than wearing minimal clothing. The reason for this is that when the temperature is above body temperature, the outside will warm your body. At highway speeds, all that hot air will make you much hotter very quickly. So instead of pulling out your normal beach wear, try a pair of riding pants, insulated boots, gloves, and a riding jacket. These will keep the outside air off your skin (not to mention the rays of the sun, which cause sunburn) and will keep your body temperature at a more natural state. Yes, you'll be sweating, but as long as you stay hydrated, you'll be in good shape.
Evaporation Cooling
Sweat is one of the ways a body naturally cools itself off, and it's actually when the sweat evaporates that the cooling can be felt. When you're all wrapped up in insulative clothing, your body will have a harder time evaporating the sweat. The best way to cool yourself off is to keep a wet scarf or bandana around your neck. It's important that the bandana stays wet because as the water evaporates, it will cool your neck underneath. Cooling the neck is effective because many blood vessels run under the skin on your neck, so by cooling the area you will help to pump cool blood around your body.
In order for this system of cooling to work, you need to be extremely well hydrated. You should be drinking water long before you start your ride so you have a strong foundation of hydration. Then, as you ride, make sure to keep a water bottle or hydration pack on you at all times. You can use the water bottle to squirt water onto your neck bandana or open your face shield on your helmet and squirt water into your mouth. You'll need to stop regularly to refill your water bottle and this will also give you some time to cool down a bit before heading out again. Every few water bottles, supplement your water intake with a sports drink or electrolyte water. These electrolytes are key for proper muscle, brain, and organ functioning and you can actually do yourself serious harm if you aren't replacing the electrolytes that you naturally sweat out.
Wait for Good Riding Conditions
The assumption of the above system is that you are riding in midday heat, but that's not always wise or even necessary. It's often easy to simply push back your ride until the sun has gone down and the heat has abated. If you're commuting to work, you might not necessarily have a choice of when you ride. But if you're touring or travelling a long distance, simply leaving earlier or later is usually a good choice. You can also simply wait for a cooler day to come along. The important thing is to avoid riding during the hottest parts of the day when you can.
Hot weather riding isn't always avoidable, but these tips can be helpful for some riders who need to ride when the sun is at its hottest. If you need parts or services to keep your Harley-Davidson® motorcycle in peak form, stop by Durango Harley-Davidson®. We're located in Durango, Colorado, near Alamosa and Farmington, serving Aztec New Mexico.